
    Art is more than a hobby for me; it is a way of healing and expressing myself. I have a master's degree in electrical engineering, but I discovered my passion for art four years ago when I lost my younger sister to breast cancer. I began to learn about art as a way to cope with my grief and find joy in life. I took courses in still-life painting, life model drawing, and plein-air painting at Saddleback College and the Emeritus Institute. I also experimented with watercolor and collage techniques, using acrylic paints to create surrealistic compositions. My art is inspired by the events and issues that affect me and the world around me. I am especially concerned about the situation in Iran, where I was born and raised. I want to use my art as a voice for the young generation that is fighting for their basic human rights, against the oppressive and violent regime that has ruled the country for over four decades. I have witnessed and experienced the brutality and injustice that the Islamic government inflicts on women, minorities, and dissidents. I have seen many young people lose their lives, their freedom, or their dignity for daring to resist and protest. My paintings depict the women's uprising that erupted in Iran last year after a young woman named Mahsa was killed by the morality police for refusing to wear a hijab. The paintings show the courage and resilience of the women who took to the streets, chanting slogans and demanding justice. The slogans are written in Persian, and I will provide translations in the descriptions of each painting. My paintings are a tribute to the women who risked everything for their rights, and a call for solidarity and support from the international community.

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