Lucia Rohrmann grew up in Guatemala surrounded by mountains, mist, colors, nature, art and culture, history and a big warm loving family. These things and more shaped her as a woman and as an artist.
Since 1989, when she presented her first solo exhibition in Guatemala City, Lucia has been actively working in the arts in Guatemala as well as in other countries. She has been the recipient of various prizes and participated in important exhibitions throughout her career.
In her practice Lucia works primarily with acrylic painting and crystal resin sculpture, although she continues to explore other media. Through these she tells us the stories of women from other times as well as women living today.
Lucia draws inspiration from everyday life, extracting from it the mysterious, the magical and the surreal. These elements translate into figurative paintings and translucid colorful sculptures.
Lucia is currently immersing herself in the abstract and working with plexiglass spirals, hence a fluid expression independent in its means and almost hypnotical to watch.
In the figurative, since before beginning to work on each painting or sculpture, and during the process, I have conversations with each character, we talk and get to know each other. They are mostly women. I like to think these women are part of our ancestors, of our childhood, even women living today or in the future, probably myself in a different environment… I get to know each one of them and we become friends during the process. They talk to me and tell me their story while being created, painted or sculpted, while their eyes or their lips, or their dress are shaping,
I believe that by representing these women I become their voice, sending a message for a better world.
In the abstract,
I am obsessed with the forms of the spiral, its hidden meanings and manifestations.
After experimenting with different media, I discovered plexiglass. I begin by designing flat pieces, shapes and cuts. When this procedure is complete, I use heat to make each piece malleable. Using molds and simple instruments, I begin to form them. I repeat this process several times to obtain various single pieces, no two of which are the same. I adapt each piece to match the next, assembling them together to form a totem, a standing piece, a hanging sculpture.
The message hidden in these forms invites us to go deeper into the whys of creation, the infinite and our presence in the universe. They have a movement of their own which intrigues the mind in an almost hypnotical manner . . .
2020 “30 Años de Trayectoria Artística”, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala
2017 “El Tiempo, Abstracto y Preciso...”, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala
2014 “De Amores y Leyendas”, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala, Guatemala
2012 Galería Fundación Rozas Botrán, Guatemala, Guatemala
2011 Expo 21, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala, Guatemala
2008 “Story Tellers”, Eubo-Art Design, Miami, Fl, USA
2007 “De Espíritu Cristal”, Galería Panza Verde, Antigua Guatemala
2005 “Marionetas”, Galeria de Arte Latinoamericano, A.Lucia Gomez, Guatemala
2004 “Fragmentos de Vida” Casa Santo Domingo, Antigua Guatemala
2003 “Personajes Encantados”, Galería Vértice, Guatemala
2002 “Mentiras de espejos viejos, y otras historias” Galeria de Arte Rocio Quiroa.
2002 “Mágica Realidad”, IGA, Guatemala
2001 “Ventanas Rojas”, Galería Plastica Contemporánea, Guatemala
1999 “Fragmentos de Historias Encantadas”, Galería Poliedro, Guatemala
1997 “Revelaciones y Recuerdos”, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala
1996 “Frutaluna”, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala
1995 “Atisbos de Otro Mundo”, Galería el Túnel, Guatemala
1993 “Evocaciones Esenciales”, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala
1992 Patronato de Bellas Artes, Guatemala
1992 “Amores y Leyendas”, Galería El Túnel, Guatemala
1991 Galería El Túnel, Guatemala
1991 Galería Spacio’s Arte Actual, Guatemala
1990 Patronato de Bellas Artes, Guatemala
1989 Galería de Arte Siriaco’s, Guatemala
Lucia has been active in more than 200 collective exhibits in Guatemala as well as other countries. Among theese exhibitions and auctions are Juannio, Arte Subasta, Club Rorarios, Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo Rozas Botrán, Bienales de Arte Paiz, Museo de Arte Moderno Carlos Mérida, Arte en Mayo, Fundación Rozas Botrán Exposición Momentos, Coro Santo Domingo, Guatemala, Noche de Arte, Casa de la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Guatemala. Así también en exposiciones colectivas en Embajada de México, “Homenaje a Frida Kahlo 100 años”,
“Pintando a Neruda”, Homenaje en los 100 años. Colección Permanente Museo Unis Rozas Botran, MURB.
NYFA Art Gallery, New York, UN-Art for a Better Future, Expo 2015, Milan, Italia, MilánGalería Ipsar, Galería Angelica, Roma. Galeria Vittoria Marziari, Sienna, Galeria Cottalazzo 4 You, Albenga, Italia
Subasta por Amor, San Salvador, El Salvador; Guatemala Women in the Arts Exhibition, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; otras en El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, República Dominicana, Francia.
Part of Permanent Collection at Museo UNIS Rozas Botrán.. Mención Honorífica, Arte en Mayo 2022.
Selected to be part of EXPO 2015, Milan World Fair, project ART FOR A BETTER FUTURE, UN. SPECTRUM MIAMI, 2015.
Chosen for book cover “Los Retos de la Esperanza”, Justicia especializada en Guatemala, Lic. Thelma Aldana, Editorial Letra Negra.
Prize: Gala de Plata, Figurative Sculpture, Fundación Rozas Botran; Selected to travel to Israel, Project ISRAEL EN LOS OJOS DE DOCE ARTISTAS GUATEMALTECOS; Member of The National Museum of Women in the Arts
Washington, D.C., EUA; Diploma Obra Seleccionada, Categoría Artistas
Invitados, X Bienal de Arte Paiz; Book Cover: “La Realidad Insólita” del Lic. Guillermo Putzeys
Alvarez; Representante de Guatemala ante Festival Internacional de la Pintura Cagnes Sur Mer, Francia; “Mención Honorífica” Certamen Nacional de Pintura Arturo Martínez, Quetzaltenango; “Medalla de Oro Revelación en Artes Plásticas, Revista de Naciones; “Glifo de Oro”, VII Bienal de Arte Paiz
Ministry of Education, Guatemala, Guatemala, UNIS ROZAS BOTRAN, MURB Museum,
Banrural Collection.
Libro: “Ventanas del Tiempo”, MURB
Libro: “ENTRE SIGLOS . . .Artes Visuales Contemporáneas Centro América y Panamá”,
Fundación Rozas Botrán
Revista Stilo, Portada y Articulo Interior
Revista de Artes, República Dominicana, Edición oct/dic 2004
Libro Caribe y Centroamérica, Art Editions Francisco Nader Bogota, Colombia
Calendario Esso y Ayudame a Vivir
Calendario Banco del Café
Catalogos de las Principales exposiciones y Subastas
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